Sunday, March 15, 2015

Medicine time

Parker had a rough week. He has been at the doctor everyday and had an overnight stay after a minor procedure. He was prescribed these medications.
It was difficult to give him x amount via the syringe without having him spitting or vomiting it out.  They smell and taste like rotten eggs.

QT and I found a way without buying more stuff to lay around the house.
Parker loves to drink from the big straw so we bought him a fruity drink from Chatime and split the drink in the cup and add the med. We also funnel the  med into his Honest drink. It works!!!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Mini Me

It's cute how Parker mimics what QT and I do.
We went grocery shopping and he was doing lunges while pushing the cart. Now we have to start watching what we say around him.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Got 5 minutes to spare?

Wall push up exercise

Sometimes it takes awhile for Parker to clean up his toys so I take advantage of those few minutes to do wall push ups.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


Suja Elements juices are delicious. They're cold-pressed so they are packed with vitamins. I don't replace a meal with them per se. I take one as a snack at 10 am and another as part of my dinner. They're $4.99 a bottle at Whole Foods.  It's a splurge but worth it. 

This along with more consistent exercising has help me lose 5 lbs in one week.

#no excuses

QT asked why are you posting working out pics on Instagram.

I want to be inspirational. A lot of workout photos out there are women who's full-time job is to promote Work out products and supplements. They get pay for that.
I follow them too but it is difficult for me to be that "hardcore." I can but for me it's unrealistic because I love my carbs and things happen.

I'm not a size zero not will I ever be. I just
want to get back into shape. I'm a mom, wife and a teacher. I spend most of my time possible with my 19 month toddler, lesson planning on Parker's time and trying to squeeze in 45 minutes for me time at the gym.  I track and hold myself accountable via Instagram.

We as full-time working mamas can do it. It's hard and sometimes feels selfish to leave our babies to workout but it is much needed.

Parker doesn't like the babysitting service at the gym so QT and I have a gym schedule and take turn to be with him.

Sleeping in on weekends are gone. I set my alarm clock at 7:12 am to get there by 8 and home by 9.

There are no excuses for not being healthy. You make time to watch tv then you can make time to be healthy. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Working out again with Toddler Yoga

I packed on some lbs while the gym was closed for three months and the non-stop blizzards kept me eating powdered donuts. No excuses. I knew what I got myself into.

Now it's time to get back into the groove.   

I ❤️ working out with Parker at home and he loves it too.  I mainly use those times as stretching and yoga days.