Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Putting the Little Monster to Sleep

At 2.5 month, Little Parker is sleeping through the night, but putting him to sleep is challenging. That is until I found my little friend, the Lamaze inchworm Caterpillar.  I bought it in March to measure him but by the time I found it two weeks ago in the closet, he outgrew the 24" mark.

So I hang the caterpillar halfway into his crib or playpen bassinet and turn on the tv. He thinks someone is talking to him. Little P would talk himself to sleep within 10 minutes. 

Also he loves his Cloud B Disney Winnie the Pooh Dream Stars Soothers. These two items are my bedtime lifesavers.

This is what happen when I leave the bedtime routine to Q. P put hims to sleep instead.